Anti Retroviral Therapy

The ART (Antiretroviral Therapy) programme was started in year 2000 by visiting a physician from Nazareth Hospital -Doctor Brown. The unitcore business is HIV/Aids management and treatment of so called opportunistic infections, which are known to take advantage of the patient weakened immune system to attack. This department is fully donor funded. Its mounted with the cooperation and partnership of the government of Kenya through the ministry of Health.

At inception patients at the ART clinic used to pay their drug and related investigations. Even then, in June 2005, with a client base of just less than 300, Catholic Mission Medical Board (CMMB) and the PCEA Kikuyu Hospital started a partnership whose aim was to provide free, quality anti-retroviral (ARV) care to the HIV/Aids patients.

Currently the clinic has over 4200 ever registered clients (cumulative).

The clinic used to be held on Wednesdays and was run by a nurse and a Doctor. It did not pick well because of stigma in the society and the high cost of the ARVS. In June 2005 the hospital entered to an agreement with PEPFAR through CMMB to provide free ARVS to the patients in our catchment area. We only had eighty active patients by then.

The programme goal is to prolong life and alleviate suffering through promotive, preventive, curative and palliative services.

The program objectives include:

1.To offer quality ART services

2.To reduce number of new HIV infections

3.To achieve sustainable viral load suppression over a period of time

4.To decrease morbidity and mortality rate

5.To implement the four PMTCT guidelines

6.To reduce stigma in the community

7.To emphasize on VCT/PITC/DCT services

8.To collaborate with the Government of Kenya in achieving vision 2030 in eradicating TB

9.To promote adherence

10.To integrate ART services with other Hospital services

11.To network with other health service providers and social support services

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