24 Hr Casualty Accident & Emergency Centre

The Casualty, Accident & Emergency Centre is a 24-hour facility, well equipped to cater for any emergencies. It is strategically located near the entrance and provides round the clock efficient service to all. The department is supported by a team of committed, qualified doctors and nurses to ensure that patients receive quality care.

Patients who visit our facility are treated for all conditions. We have several collaborations with consultants with whom we engage at the A&E centre when need be. Our commited staff at the A&E have the patients’ care at heart and treat them with professionalism ensuring timely and effective treatment before discharge or admission.

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  1. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic Exciting News! We're thrilled to announce that…
  2. News & Events Exciting News!We're thrilled to announce that our…
  3. Credit Facilities The hospital has a number of insurance companies…

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